The artwork for our website was designed by EasyNetSites, using a picture of the Menhaden Fishermen of Lewes, Delaware. This picture shows fishermen pulling in thousands of Menhaden Fish using seines during the nineteenth century. Menhaden fish were caught, pressed and used for their oil and as fertilizer.
Visiting the Lewes Historical Society and a discussion with the then Executive Director E. Michael DiPaolo, Michael enlightened me with the fact that this picture is part of Lewes history and society. So we use it on our website with Credit to and Courtesy of the Lewes Historical Society.
Wanting to know more about this picture and Lewes history, a visit to the bookstore found the book The Hidden History of Lewes by Michael Morgan. The Menhaden Fishermen were on the cover and the details of this part of Lewes history were found beginning on page 98. This book is a wondeful read and acknowledgement chronicaling the early days of Lewes history. Check out the link on Delaware Today.
The website software is provided by EasyNetSites, Inc, which incorporates a suite of web-based tools and Alan Lowe who provides design, development, maintenance and support.
Icons used on this website are designed and developed by our Society, Alan Lowe or downloaded from Flaticon and FreePik Companies.